Saturday, August 8, 2009
Perginya Dia...
Kan ku masih ingat lagi di kala pagi 3 Julai dahulu, dia masih lagi kesakitan disebabkan luka yang sangat teruk sehinngakan darah tidak henti-henti mengalir dari mulutnya. Tika itu aku mahu bertolak pulang ke Melaka bersama keluarga. Tinggal lah adik aku bersama dia. Ku usap-usap kepalanya pada ketika itu sambil ku berpesan “ kalau Brony nak **** tunggu sampai bang cik balik naa”.
Di Melaka, ku teruskan hidup ku yang penuh segala warna-warna hidup di kampus. Kehidupan ku di penuhi dengan kesibukan kehidupan sebagai seorang pelajar. Aku dihimpit dengan kerja-kerja yang sangat banyak sehinggakan ku tiada rehat yang cukup. Akan ku telan semua kepenatan dan kelelahan itu. Virus H1NI semakin menular di dalam kampus. Ku pulang ke kampung halaman disamping menghadirkan diri ke kenduri kahwin rakan karib ku semasa di maktab dahulu. Thaniah untuk Hilmi bin Noh.
Walaubagaimanapun, ada satu khabar yang membuat ku tidak senang hati. Mama ku menceritakan penyakit dia kembali menghantui dia. Penyakitnya kembali sejak dari aku pulang ke rumah. Mama ku menceritakan bahwa abah ku telah membawanya jumpa veterinar. Tetapi, veterinary tersebut hanya memberi vitamin dan antibiotik. Sehingga pada hari Isnin lepas, abah ku membawanya sekali lagi ke klinik. Kali ini dia disuntik seperti dahulu. Penyakit buah pinggangnya semakin melarat. Selepas disuntik dan dibawa pulang ke rumah, abanh ku terpakasa mengambil tindakan dengan mengurungnya di dalam sangkar kerana kesan daripada suntikan akan menyebabkan dia kencing tidak normal. Ketila sakit itu, dia tidak selera untuk makan dan juga minum. Aku rasa kasihan kepada dia.
Akan tetapi, dia seperti biasa tidak suka dikurung. Ku mengambil tindakan dengan melepaskannya. Ku melihatnya dia tidur di sebalik pasu pokok tupai-tupai milik mama ku. Ku sangkakan jika dia sakit dia tidaka akan keluar dari rumah. Sepeninggalan untuk beberapa minit, dia terus tinggalkan rumah ku. Selama 1 hari 1 malam abah ku mencarinya di kala hujan yang lebat membasahi bumi, tetapi tidakk jumpa jua. Sekeluarga ku sudah semakin risau dan resah speanjang ketiadaannya di rumah kerna dia masih lagi dalam kesakitan.
5 Ogos 2009. Pada petang tarikh itu, dia pulang di kalahujan yg lebat. Ku melihat dirinya basah dan bahagian belakangnya sangat kotor. Abah ku tanpa membuang masa mengambilnya untuk dimandikan. Dikeringkan badannya dan diletakkan semula ke dalam sangkar dan diselimutkan kerna khuatir dia akan kesejukan. Perkara sama berulang lagi, dia tidak mahu makan dan minum. Mama ku terlalu kasihan kan dia dan nekad membawanya masuk ke dalam rumah dan baringkan dia di atas karpet miliknya. Mama aku selimutkan dia dan mengalas kepala dengan bantal. Suasana petang itu dihimpit dengan persaan penuh kesedihan dan kesuraman. Untuk pengetahuan, dia tidak makan dan minum untuk beberapa hari sejak dia sakit. Pada malam hari tersebut, dia bermalam di dalam rumah. Ku seperti biasa tidur di luar disamping boleh menemaninya.
Pada 6 Ogos 2009, pagi ini abanh ku sibuk mop lantai satu rumah kerna dia kencing tidak normal. Diletakkan dia di dalam sangkar untuk sementara. Hujan masih lagi melanda dan mama ku mengambil keputusan membawa masuk dia bersama sangkarnya yang beasar itu ke dalam rumah. Kan ku menyuapnya air menggunakan syringe, tetapi dia tetap menolak. Kerisauan semakin menjengah ke dalam fikiran ku. Pada satu ketika, mama ku memberitahu satu perkara yang sangat membuta ku takut. Mama ku menceritakan tanda-tanda sesorang itu akan sampai pada harinya. Semua orang sedih melihat kelakuannya. Petang hari tersebut, ku bawa dia keluar ke halaman rumah kerna pandangannya sekali-sekala menjengah keluar. Ku amek daun pisang dan kain lapik di atas slap sebelum baringkannya. Dia cuba untuk bangun kadang-kadang. Satu ketika dia cuba untuk bangun, tetapi kali ini ku perhatikan kaki belakangnya sperti tidak boleh bergerak. Ku memikirkan di dalam benak fikiran ku sesuatu buruk akan terjadi padanya. Tetapi ku cuba untuk fikir positif.disamping itu, suaranya yang manja tidak lagi kedengaran. Ketika azan Maghrib berkumandang, ku membawa masuk semula dia ke dalam rumah. Selesai solat dan makan malam, ku tengok-tengokkan dia. Ku cuba untuk syringe kan dia dengan glucose sejak semalam. Dia terima sekali sekala. Selepas daripada itu, mama ku cuba suapkan dia vitamin. Kemudian diambil lak air zam-zam untuk diberi padanya. Dia namapak kuat sikit. Sekali sekala dia cuba untuk bangunkan dirinya. Sedih ku lihat keadaanya seperti itu. Pukul 1245 malam, ku selesai solat Isya’ ku. Dalam doa ku menyebut jika dia pergi meniggalkan kami sekeluarga aku redha. Jika Tuhan lebih sayangkannya ku redha nyawanya diambil kerna ku tak sanggup lagi dia menderita. Tapi jika dia panjang umur ku harap Tuhan berikan kekuatan kepadanya. Sesudah itu, aku besila di depan sangkarnya. Ku lihat dia seperti nazak, ku ingin sangat berkata-kata sesuatu kepadanya. “ Brony..Brony kena sabaq naa..kalau Brony mati Brony dapat masuk syurga. Tapi Brony kena tunggu bang cik naa. Tapi kalau Brony panjanag umuq, Brony kena sabaq ngan tahan sakit tau.” Selepas itu, ku lihat dia semakin sengsara dengan sakitnya. Ku tidak sanggup melihatnya lagi. “Brony..pejam la mata naa..sian bang cik tengok. Bang cik tak sampai hati tengok Brony camni..” ku menitiskan air mata ku yang berlinangan di pipi ku. Selepas itu, aku beredar menuju ke tempat tidur ku. Ku temani dia sampai ku tertidur. Tetapi pada satu ketika ku terjaga dari tidur dan ku milhatnya. Apa yang ku perhatikan dia sedang betul-betul memandang ku dengan mukanya dipenuhi dengan penuh kesakitan. Ku kembali terlelap.
Esok subuhnya 7 Ogos 2009, mama kejutkan ku. Mama ku cakap pada ku dia telah pergi untuk selama-lamanya meninggalkan kami sekeluarga sambil mama ku menangis teresak-esak. Ku terus pergi memerpa untuk melihatnya dan ku usap-usap badanya yang sudah megeras. Mama ku mengambil kain putih untuk membalutnya. Abah ku pergi menghantar adik ku ke tuisyen. Pulangya abah ku dia ajak ku dan mama ku sarapan pagi di luar. Setelah pulang dari sarapan pagi, ku kejut abang ku bangun untuk gali lubang kubur dia. Ku telah menyatakan hasrat ku kepada mama bahwa biarlah kubur dia di bawah pokok anggur dan orchid house tempat di mana dia selalu tidur. Sebelum mama mengkapankan dia, kami menciumnya buat kali terkahir. Hujan lebat turun membasahi alam ketika menunjukkan kesedihan dikala dia di simpan di lubang khas untuknya. Ku sendiri yang simpannya setelah mama ku selesai kapankan dia. Ku kambus tanah-tanah tersebut sambil menitiskan air mata yang tiada henti-hentinya. Tidak skit pun ku kisah tika hujan lebat tersebut demi menyimpannya. Kuburnya ditabur bunga-bunga yang cantik dan wangi dengan harapan dia ditempatkan dikalangan kekasih-kekasih Allah. Ditutup pula dengan zink kerna tidak mahu tanah kuburnya terlalu basah.
Setelah itu, pergilah buat selama-lamanya salah satu ahli keluarga kami. Dia merupakan seekor kucing yang sangat cekal, sangat tabah dan sangat kuat semangat sepanjang kehidupannya. Dia telah memberi kegembiraan kepada keluarga kami. Permegiannya sangat menyedihkan terutama mama dan ku sendiri.
“ Brony..Brony tinggai bang cik..bang cik sedih...bang cik tak dak temapt nak manja sebelum tidoq bila balik kedah nanti..bang cik rindu Brony...Brony dok lah dalam tu elok-elok naa..Brony janji tunggu bang cik naa nanti kat akhirat..bang cik sentisa doa untuk Brony..”
Al-Fatihah untuk MUHAMMAD AL-BIRUNI a.k.a Brony.
Brony in Memories
Monday, February 16, 2009
Am I Insane?
The day I have to remember in my life. I was going’ for Jumaat prayer Masjid Jamek Perai. After taking wudhuk, I was going for Sunat Tahiyatul Masjid. However, there wa s a man seating in front of the mosque’s door. He was asked me to help him by giving some donations. The donantion that he wants was for his fund to further his study. Nevertheless, I did not give him some money just because I only have RM 50 and RM 10 bills by that time. I told him I cannot give him just because RM 50 RM 10 bills. Then, during khutbah, I was thinking whether I am doing the right thing to him. Then I decided after having Jumaat prayer I will give him RM 10. Unfortunately, I was forgotten to meet him again and help him. At this moment, I am really regretted because I did not help him.
The thing what made me really regret with myself the man is a ‘MUALAF’.
I should help him. I knew he really needs help from us. We,Muslims should help him. We cannot let him to survive as a new Muslim by himself. I am really sorry to him and I hope he will apology me and he can get what he want as a Muslim. Let give him doa for him.
The day I have to remember in my life. I was going’ for Jumaat prayer Masjid Jamek Perai. After taking wudhuk, I was going for Sunat Tahiyatul Masjid. However, there wa s a man seating in front of the mosque’s door. He was asked me to help him by giving some donations. The donantion that he wants was for his fund to further his study. Nevertheless, I did not give him some money just because I only have RM 50 and RM 10 bills by that time. I told him I cannot give him just because RM 50 RM 10 bills. Then, during khutbah, I was thinking whether I am doing the right thing to him. Then I decided after having Jumaat prayer I will give him RM 10. Unfortunately, I was forgotten to meet him again and help him. At this moment, I am really regretted because I did not help him.
The thing what made me really regret with myself the man is a ‘MUALAF’.
I should help him. I knew he really needs help from us. We,Muslims should help him. We cannot let him to survive as a new Muslim by himself. I am really sorry to him and I hope he will apology me and he can get what he want as a Muslim. Let give him doa for him.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Happy Holiday!!!
Hoho..all Chinese will celebrating their Chinese New Year by next week. My holiday is 9 days. Such a long holiday rite? However,I am going to Malacca to meet 'her'. Fuh,it seems very long long time we haven't met since last December. So, I decided to take this advantage to relief me from works at my company. However, I am still worry about my final project during my training at Harvik wether it can be done before April or not. Hopefully after holiday I can start my project. Please pray for me my dear frens out there...
"...the time is running out..."
"...the time is running out..."
Monday, January 19, 2009
Please Forgive Me's very long long time I haven't put nothing inside my blog. Guys, just now I am having my Internship Programme at Harvik Rubber Industries Sdn.Bhd at Penang. I'm not having so much time to share something with all of you..However,just keep in touch with me because there are a lot that I am going to tell in this blog..
See ya.....
See ya.....
Sunday, November 16, 2008
My Cutie Brony
Introducing Brony
This is my cat. His name is Brony. Well I was named his name since he was 2 months old. He was given by my former teacher when I was 16 years old. Now he is almost 6 years old. Brony is special for my family. He really means to us. However, I seldomly callesd him 'sombong' because he doesn't like people to hold him. That's the reason why I called him 'sombong'. For me, I habe a lot of memories with him. When I was at home for holiday, he always slept with me. We were sharing the same bed. The thing that made me really funny is before he getting sleep, he try to flatten my comforter and then he was cleaning his feathers. Besides, he can sleep with me if I switch on air-conditioner at my room. Or else, he don't want to sleep at my room. And that is another reason he is a 'sombong' cat. At 5 a.m or 6 p.m (dawn), he will wake me up. For what? Keep read at the bottom.
Brony's Duty
Brony has a same duty each day. At dawn of a new day, he will wake me up or someone else. He wake up early at the morning because he wants to go out from house. What makes me him really wants to go out because he wants freedom, flirting with female cats around my house, fighting with another cats, and walking around until at the dusk of the day. Besides, when he is tired, he will rest under my mom's orchids house because he thinks that he can sleep silently and without someone can disturb him. Someone said he likes me beacause I am a travelling person. That's why Brony out early at the morning and back home at dusk. Brony seldomly taking his food at
day. He always eat at night because that is the only time he can spend his 'quality' time at home with my family.
Brony..Don't Leave Us
This a sad part which I am going to tell to all of you. Brony actually not a well healthy cat. Doctor had told us that he has a disease called 'semput'. He can't do something that can makes him tired such as playing too much. However, he is an active cat and that's makes me proud of him. Besides, he had faced several times at dying situation. People knows that cat has 9 lifes and for Brony, I don't know how much his lifes remaining and when he is going to 'leave' us. I hope he can live for more years because we as his family really love him.
P/S: Although I love Brony, but there is another person I really love into..
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Today I was watching a movie alone in my room. It was PS I LOVE YOU. A great movie from a great novel from an Irish, Cecelia Ahern. This film starring by Hilary Swank and Gerard Butler. This story was about a young widow (Hilary Swank) discovers that her late husband (Gerard Butler) has left her 10 messages or letters intended to help her ease pain and start new life.
Holly Kennedy is beautiful, smart and married to the love of her life who is a passionate, funny, and impetuous Irishman named Gerry. So when Gerry's life is taken by an illness, it takes the life out of Holly. The only one who can help her is the person who is no longer there. Nobody knows Holly better than Gerry. So it's a good thing he planned ahead. Before he died, Gerry wrote Holly a series of letters that will guide her, not only through her grief, but in rediscovering herself. The first message arrives on Holly's 30th birthday in the form of a cake, and to her utter shock, a tape recording from Gerry, who proceeds to tell her to get out and "celebrate herself". In the weeks and months that follow, more letters from Gerry are delivered in surprising ways, each sending her on a new adventure and each signing off in the same way; P.S. I Love You. Holly's mother and best friends begin to worry that Gerry's letters are keeping Holly tied to the past, but in fact, each letter is pushing her further into a new future. With Gerry's words as her guide, Holly embarks on a journey of rediscovery in a story about marriage, friendship and how a love so strong can turn the finality of death into a new beginning for life.
For me, this story reminds me to someone who I really love. Someone who loves me too, someone who cares about me. Someone precious in my life.
P/S : Thanks for being with me.
Holly Kennedy is beautiful, smart and married to the love of her life who is a passionate, funny, and impetuous Irishman named Gerry. So when Gerry's life is taken by an illness, it takes the life out of Holly. The only one who can help her is the person who is no longer there. Nobody knows Holly better than Gerry. So it's a good thing he planned ahead. Before he died, Gerry wrote Holly a series of letters that will guide her, not only through her grief, but in rediscovering herself. The first message arrives on Holly's 30th birthday in the form of a cake, and to her utter shock, a tape recording from Gerry, who proceeds to tell her to get out and "celebrate herself". In the weeks and months that follow, more letters from Gerry are delivered in surprising ways, each sending her on a new adventure and each signing off in the same way; P.S. I Love You. Holly's mother and best friends begin to worry that Gerry's letters are keeping Holly tied to the past, but in fact, each letter is pushing her further into a new future. With Gerry's words as her guide, Holly embarks on a journey of rediscovery in a story about marriage, friendship and how a love so strong can turn the finality of death into a new beginning for life.
For me, this story reminds me to someone who I really love. Someone who loves me too, someone who cares about me. Someone precious in my life.
P/S : Thanks for being with me.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Alhamdulilah..I have gone through for 3 papers so far..There are 3 papers remaining, meaning that I have to focus and maintain my momentum for my study. For last 2 papers, they were really tough questions to be answered. The first paper, Industrial Engineering. It needs a lot of calculations and the questions were very hard. Same goes with Metrology, really hard for me to answer the given questions. And today, Ergonomics in Design. Thanks to Prof. Dr. Md. Dan for giving us a tough paper. Now I can't expect good results from both subjects. What I need right now is to be Tawakkal 'Ala Allah.. But this semester I feel weird because I don't feel really stress if I can't do well in the examinations. Previously I can't be a pressure boy and too much stress person. I don't really know what makes me feel like this. I still can manage my stress today. Or else, you would not know who I am really is. By the way, I think I stop here. I have something else to.
Good Bye..
Alhamdulilah..I have gone through for 3 papers so far..There are 3 papers remaining, meaning that I have to focus and maintain my momentum for my study. For last 2 papers, they were really tough questions to be answered. The first paper, Industrial Engineering. It needs a lot of calculations and the questions were very hard. Same goes with Metrology, really hard for me to answer the given questions. And today, Ergonomics in Design. Thanks to Prof. Dr. Md. Dan for giving us a tough paper. Now I can't expect good results from both subjects. What I need right now is to be Tawakkal 'Ala Allah.. But this semester I feel weird because I don't feel really stress if I can't do well in the examinations. Previously I can't be a pressure boy and too much stress person. I don't really know what makes me feel like this. I still can manage my stress today. Or else, you would not know who I am really is. By the way, I think I stop here. I have something else to.
Good Bye..
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