Monday, February 16, 2009

Am I Insane?


The day I have to remember in my life. I was going’ for Jumaat prayer Masjid Jamek Perai. After taking wudhuk, I was going for Sunat Tahiyatul Masjid. However, there wa s a man seating in front of the mosque’s door. He was asked me to help him by giving some donations. The donantion that he wants was for his fund to further his study. Nevertheless, I did not give him some money just because I only have RM 50 and RM 10 bills by that time. I told him I cannot give him just because RM 50 RM 10 bills. Then, during khutbah, I was thinking whether I am doing the right thing to him. Then I decided after having Jumaat prayer I will give him RM 10. Unfortunately, I was forgotten to meet him again and help him. At this moment, I am really regretted because I did not help him.

The thing what made me really regret with myself the man is a ‘MUALAF’.

I should help him. I knew he really needs help from us. We,Muslims should help him. We cannot let him to survive as a new Muslim by himself. I am really sorry to him and I hope he will apology me and he can get what he want as a Muslim. Let give him doa for him.


Unknown said...

cekamm!!!! contact aku. nombot hang, aku hilang.

h u d a said...

ouh, xpe2..nanti ade pluang lagi nk tolong :)

btw, ni huda harvik. hee~
do visit my blog there:

hee :))

sheilasherimamohdsabri said...

bla nk update tah